- Why is that program so popular ? 为什么这个节目如此受欢迎?
- Why is a half-court bullfight so popular? 为什么半场篮球赛如此受欢迎?
- Why is a half court bullfight so popular? 为什么半场篮球赛如此受欢迎?
- Why is eating snakes so popular? 为什么吃蛇肉这么受欢迎?
- "Why is that step so important" I asked. “这一步为什么如此重要?”我问。
- Why is that driver flashing his lights? 那个司机为什么一直闪车灯?
- Why is that driver flashing his lights at us? 为什么那个司机向我们闪着车灯?
- In hand with the development of advertising. Why is advertising so popular? 是齐头并进的。为什么广告如此受欢迎呢?
- Maestro: No next time huh? Why is that? 迈斯卓:没有下次了吗?为什么会那样呢?
- Why is that woman climbing over the wall? 为什么那个妇女要爬过那道墙?
- A: Why is that man standing in front of the band? 那个人为什么站在乐队的前面?
- Why is that driver flashing his lights at me? 那个司机为何用灯照我?
- Why is that driver flashing his lights ? 那个司机为什么一直闪车灯?
- Bette: And why is that a good thing? 那算是什麽好消息?
- Frontier Journal (FJ): Could you let us know how did you guys come up with the idea of Twitter, how did it work, and why is it so popular nowadays? 边疆日报(福建) :你能否让我们知道你们是怎么来的想法Twitter的,它是怎么工作的,为什么它如此受欢迎如今?
- "Mom, why is that dady has to leave us? “妈,爸爸为什么非要离开我们?”
- Just why is Sudoku so popular? 为何速读如此受欢迎?
- Why is That Red Political Power can Exist in China? 中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?
- Why is Garfield so popular? 为什麽加菲猫这麽受欢迎?
- Why is that man staggering about the room like that? 那人为什么那样摇摇晃晃地在屋里走来走去?